Showing: 71 - 80 of 81 RESULTS

How to Celebrate your original wedding date

We’re sorry if your wedding date has been affected by Coronavirus. We wish we could help you more (we do!). We’ve tried our best to provide COVID-19-related expert guides, including how to postpone your wedding, comfort your distraught bride’s best friend, and share affordable & gorgeous gowns for an impromptu elopement, as well as live chats …


Finding Your Wedding Style

It can be difficult to keep up with current trends in wedding fashion. Many brides feel lost trying to find the perfect dress for them. How do you find a dress that reflects your personality? There are no rules when it comes to your wedding! You can ditch the white gown! Wonderful, your call! You …


How to manage wedding stress?

Your wedding is an important event that celebrates your love and commitment to your partner. However, it can also be stressful. Many couples want their weddings to be the most joyful day. They don’t expect the planning process will be difficult. There will be times when you feel overwhelmed and want to quit. It is …


Things to Consider When Your BFF Gets Married

You’d be happy and excited for your best friend when she gets married. You would be a professional wedding planner. This excitement is unparalleled and it’s something only a friend can understand. However, you aren’t sure how to respond to the news. You will continue living your normal life with the same routine, but this …


Make Your Own Wedding Flower Decorations

It’s an honor and a privilege to be asked to be the best man for your friend, your brother and sometimes it’s even your father asking you to do this honor.  One of the obligations and duties of the best man is the best man wedding speech. Oops!  So you thought the only thing you needed to …

Wedding Photography

Wedding Photography

Choosing the right wedding photographer for your wedding is a very important decision. You want to make sure that you capture all of the special moments of your special day. If you are on a small wedding budget, you might want to ask someone that you know who is experienced with photography in general and …